The earthquake rattled the ground and started the day! This day rattled history forever because JESUS DEFEATED DEATH! He rose from the dead! The grave could not hold Him – the One who is Life Itself.
Jesus was the great Teacher. The Great Miracle Worker. The Great Master. The Great Leader. But He is also the Savior! He is “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) Because of His death and resurrection He can carry your sins, your burdens, your doubt, your pain, your questions, your confusion, your fears, your anger, your broken relationships, and anything else that makes your soul wither away. No matter what you are going through or will ever go through, He knows and He is there with you. And one day, that glorious one day, He will take it all away – forever!
Sometimes life still feels like the Good Friday – with too many dreams shattered and too much pain and loss. All we can see is disillusion and disappointment. And death. But we know that this is not the end! Sunday is coming!
Today and Forever – Jesus is alive! He is the Victorious King! THIS is the solid rock that we stand one! THIS Rock cannot be rattled. THIS is the Gospel! Hallelujah!
May your Easter celebration be filled with faith. This will bring joy into your whole being, to the very core of who you are. Jesus is alive, Beloved! He is calling you by name…

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